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Robertshaw 1820-019 1820 Series PG9A41 Replacement Pilot Uni-Kit

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1820-019 Robertshaw 1820 Series PG9A41 Replacement Pilot Uni-Kit The 1820 Series Uni-Kits are designed to replace those hard-to-find ITT-General PG9 type pilots. Each Uni-Kit comes with a natural gas orifice installed and a separate L.P. gas orifice. A special 1/4" tubing adaptor is provided that allows use of original tubing with nut and ball sleeve. (No cutting of original tubing is necessary). Uni-Kits are available with and without a 32" thermopile. See Ordering Data. These 1820 Pilot Uni-Kits are aerated type pilots, combining the best feature of an incinerator type pilot and a target type pilot. These pilots have non-linting characteristics, and no air shutters or supplementary shields requiring assembly or adjustment are needed.