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Gerber WS-21-510 Viper Elongated Front Two-Piece Toilet - White

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WS-21-510 Gerber Viper Elongated Front Two-Piece Toilet - WhiteGravity Fed Elongated/10" rough-inHeight 28 7/8"Width 18 1/4"Depth 27 3/8"Trapway Min 2"Water Surface 9 1/4" x 6 1/8"Water Seal 2 1/4"HET High Efficiency Toilet1.28 gpf GravityElongated rim10" Rough-inDual fed siphon jetFluidmaster Fill Valve3" flush valveFully Glazed TrapwayColor-matched front metal tank lever with brass armNon corrosive solid brass tank-to-bowl boltsDouble nut, multi-point tank-to-bowl mounting system for easy installation and tank stabilityNon-kinking stainless steel beaded chainChemical resistant silicone flapperToilet seat not included