08-1059 Lasco Bathtub Diverter Spout - Polished Brass Bathtub Diverter Spout, 4 in 1 Style, Fit-All Front Mount, Rear mount, 1/2 Inch Or 3/4 Inch Male Iron Pipe, 5/8 Inch OD Copper. Rear Mount Adjustable Up to 1 Inch . 1/2 Or 3/4 Inch Female Pipe Threads, Polished Brass.BathtubPolish brassWith diverterFour way fit-all front mount, rear mount, 1/2 Inch or 3/4 Inch male iron pipe, 5/8 Inch od copper. rear mount adjustable up to 1 Inch . 1/2 Inch or 3/4 Inch female pipe threadsUse thread sealant